Become a member

We are a global network of student and youth-led orgnizations.

GO Ghent meeting

Who is membership for?

  1. (inter)national student- or youth-led or focused organizations, empowering students and young people to lead on sustainability and environmental justice to address the climate emergency
  2. local student organizations with high impact solutions (campaigns, change models, programs, projects) that are ready to be scaled internationally

Our focus is mainly on tertiary / higher education, but we are also open to national organizations focusing on secondary education. SOS International was founded from the students’ union movement and we are particularly keen to ensure our membership includes a good representation of national student unions.

Please note: we are not accepting individual persons as members, only organizations and their representatives. To follow our work as an individual, sign up to our emails.

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Membership is free - we we want your action, not your money


SOS international members commit to one or more of the following:

Contribute to our research

We undertake research on the views and priorites of students and young people on sustainability. Members can contribute and promote this research to ensure maximum reach and participation.

Deliver a program from our portfolio, attend events and training

We coordinate the Green Office Movement and deliver regular webinars, training and events including the annual SOS-International summit.

Bring your campaign or program into our portfolio

If you have a proven and impactful program on sustainability and/or social justice and you are able to help others implement it, we offer the platform to do so.

Strengthen the capacity of SOS International and/or our members

Help gain new members, develop the membership, share content from other members, provide student volunteers, or generate funding.


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If you have developed an impactful program, campaign or event, we help you make it visible and accessible to a global audience of student sustainability organizations.

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Collaboration, learning and development

Join our regular, online global member exchange to connect with other members, and share knowledge and experience.

Receive discounted, member rates at our SOS-International summit and other training and development activities.

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Inspiration and support

Discover how your organization can start tackling sustainability and social justice issues by implementing impactful programs from our portfolio, or get support from SOS and our members.

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Access to resources

We help you go further and faster by sharing good practices and applying for funding together.

Become a member

If your organization would like to join our network and collaborate through our regular membership engagement program, please fill out our new member application form. A member of the team will be in touch to discuss next steps.

Please note, all member communications are in English.