SOS International members
SOS International is more than a network: our member organizations take sustainable action by contributing to data and research on the topic, delivering campaigns and programs or adding capacity to each other.
Read more about each SOS member by clicking on the logo or scrolling down.
National Union of Students in Denmark
Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF) is the National Union of Students in Denmark and represents the interests of 165.000 higher education students across the country. DSF has been working since 1932 for equal access to high quality higher education in Denmark.
DSF is one of SOS International founding members and works proactively for the development of the organisation.
Climate change is a student interest, because it impacts both the futures of students of today as well as the right to education of the students of tomorrow. As students, we have an important responsibility to push decision-makers to work seriously and immediately to stop this climate crisis” (Johan Hedegaard Jørgensen, former President)
Students Organising for Sustainability United Kingdom
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) is an educational charity that seeks to get more students leading on and learning about sustainability and social justice. Building on fifty years of leading-edge campaigns and programmes, developed by the National Union of Students (NUS UK), SOS-UK aims to harness the desire of students and young people to respond to the climate emergency and make a real difference now.
SOS-UK is a founding member of SOS International and delivers multiple programmes.
Founding trustee and former NUS National President Zamzam Ibrahim comments: “Students and young people across the world are calling for immediate action, and with youth climate strikes happening in every corner of the planet. It’s time we galvanise that energy and build on it. SOS-UK is our way of contributing and helping the student movement organise and have its say.”
Union of Students in Ireland
USI represents 374,000 students across the island of Ireland and is the main national representative body for third level students in Ireland. USI fights for access to education, and has been active for decades on social issues affecting students.
USI is one of the founding members of SOS and runs the Saves2 project nationally, which encourages students to make small changes to become more sustainable and overall have a big impact.
Station (Student & Innovation House, Denmark)
Station – a Student & innovation House is a platform and a physical meeting place for student engagement across disciplines with the aim to build bridges between students, researchers, the public and the private sector. An old police station of almost 4000 m2 in Copenhagen has been rebuilt to fit student activities housing those who want to define, engage and create a better future.
They contribute to SOS International through the Sustainability Influencers project, a semi-structured program that educates a group of students to fulfil the mission of mobilizing, engaging and empowering young people to take action on sustainability issues.
We show the world what students are able to do!
netzwerk n
netzwerk n is a growing network of student initiatives, individuals and graduates who share and collaborate to advance sustainability in higher education across Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.
netzwerk n stands for a genuine and new perspective on the discussion about – and the actual transformation process of – sustainable universities.

RESES is the French Network of Students for Sustainable Development. It is a student association network (150 associations) that carries out sustainable development projects. The objectives are to have 100% of students aware and committed to sustainable development, and to make campuses 100% sustainable!
RESES is convinced that the student’s world is an essential strength to build tomorrow!
oikos International
oikos is an international, student-led non-profit organization for sustainability in economics and management education. Founded in 1987 in Switzerland, it empowers student change agents worldwide to embed sustainability in academia and from there into day-to-day business, government and personal activities.
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela
Sustainability Week International
Sustainability Week international is the network for student-led Sustainability Weeks at higher education institutions around the world. This organization provide you with a framework, share their knowledge and support local teams as much as possible.
Our vision? To empower students to bring sustainability into all aspects of higher education institutions globally. Our aspiration is for students worldwide to turn their institutions into sustainability role models. Together for sustainability, because we believe in the power and potential of youth to co-create solutions to the most pressing sustainability challenges of our time.
forum n
forum n is an Austrian institution which focuses on building strong networks between national initiatives concerning students’ actions on sustainability. One focus is on building sustainable education, another is on social-ecological transformation – both concerning the theory and the practical implications. forum n does networking, shares ideas and contacts and wants to reach out to a sustainable future.
“Do it yourself – a sustainable future!”
VSN-FDD-FSS is the umbrella association of Swiss student organisations for sustainability. Their goal is to implement sustainability in teaching, research, governance and strategy, as well as on campus and in dialogue with the public.
They consist of a voluntary led national board and have 17 members, which are all student organisations for sustainability. VSN-FDD-FSS initiates national projects and initiatives such as the Sustainability Week Switzerland or the center of competences. They raise awareness for sustainability among students and university employees through targeted measures, which leads to specific demands and actions. Additional higher education politics projects help them to achieve a nationwide impact and support the implementation of sustainability as a core principle.
Gray2Green Movement
Gray2Green Movement started as a student movement in 2018 at the University of Nigeria with just 6 members and has since grown to include 700 members in the founding University. As a grassroot Movement they engage students in University where the movement is recognized through Teach-In, outreach, campaigns and competitions.
SOS-International membership will provide us the unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded students and leaders from diverse backgrounds which will help to improve and amplify our work. We would like to learn, collaborate and synergize our efforts with other student leaders to deliver a true sustainable world
U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development catalyzes education and actions for sustainable development. They create initiatives for action at the national and international levels, such as Beyond Doom and Gloom: Climate Solutions, Growing Green Jobs for Youth, and their current campaign Change the Chamber. With the UN, they work globally. Moreover, they connect 60 higher education associations in national networks, and work with student environmental groups nationally and internationally.
Wings for Amazon
Wings for Amazon is a non profit organization, and was established in 1988 as an independent animal refuge. In the last three years, their goal has been to help and give support to marginalized people. They have provided help for 123 families at the Bobonaza river, a community that suffered flooding in their home, losing all their homes and belongings. In these three years, they have collaborated with activism groups and indigenous leaders like the Nenquimo brothers, Jorge Pozo and a human rights delegation in Ecuador. The goal of Wings for Amazon is to provide solutions to allow ethnic groups to join the surrounding society in a common challenge; the destruction of ecosystems and devastation from the mining and oil industry. These challenges should be solved through education and health and human rights defense.
Wings for Amazon is the chance to represent the lack of opportunities and rights for our communities. We can show the injustice pertaining to our region, and just like the wings of a harpia and the movement of a hummingbird, we can elevate our fight, together. Nature can’t wait for us because the people don’t know how to stop. This is Wings for Amazon.
Dhrubotara Youth Development Foundation
Dhrubotara Youth Development Foundation (DYDF) started its journey in year 2000 from Begumgonj, Noakhali District, Bangladesh with the aim to achieve sustainable socio-economic development, in the country, through empowering youths. Since then, DYDF has spread across 44 districts in Bangladesh with a member count exceeding 38,000.
DYDF was awarded as best Youth Organization from the Ministry of Youth and Sports on National Youth Day 2014. It also received the National Youth Award 2016 as the best youth organization from Honorable Prime Minister and Queens Young Leader’s award in 2017.
At present DYDF is striving towards fulfilling SDG Agenda 2030, and achieving its vision of youth empowerment.
Our key mission is to empower youth through developing their leadership and management skills, and motivating them into becoming responsible citizens and using their positive energy for constructive sustainable development of the nation.
All-Africa Student Union
The All-Africa Students Union (AASU) is the Pan-African student’s organization founded in 1972 to galvanize the young people in Africa and the Diaspora, particularly students into all the efforts geared toward the development of the African Continent.
AASU is present in 54 African countries, and works to promote access, equity and quality of education for all. They reach over 3 million students. The Union is wholly student-run and student-led, autonomous, representative, and operates according to democratic principles.
Currently, AASU engages students on sustainability by organizing webinars and social media campaigns.
We are passionate about climate action hence one of our strategic priorities is in the area of Environment and Climate Action. We hope that our membership with SOS will help us move from talks to action among the the students on the continent.
Project BOA
Project BOA stands for Project Build, Outreach, Act, and is a student-led non-profit organization located in the United States. Their mission is to promote sustainability, food security, and student leadership. Project BOA operates in Las Vegas, Long Island and New York in the USA, and in the Luzon Province of the Philippines. Currently, they work with 15 motivated volunteers and reach up to 300 students through their actions.
Project BOA is working on an on-going project of establishing school programs in agrarian municipalities of the Philippines to educate Filipino students on sustainable farming practices and the ecological effects of pesticides. Additionally, they work on creating a student-run recycling council across the fifth largest school district in the United States (Clark County School District) in accordance with the school district. Their membership at SOS International helps them to set up chapters across the United States and internationally through students.
International Climate Students Movement
Climate Students is an international student movement with the goal to help and push higher education institutions to follow the 1.5 target of the Paris Agreement.
The association was founded in Sweden in 2018 and internationally in 2020. Its main operations are to reach out to, engage and strengthen as many student initiatives as possible to influence their HEIs. By building international and regional cooperations the movement is starting a global campaign to develop and implement climate frameworks, action plans and action rankings at hundreds of HEIs.
#ActOnYourClimateScience is the movement’s campaign to highlight HEIs’ unique role to give climate science the much needed credibility and urgency to address the emergency.

What Can I Do About it?
The team behind “What Can I Do About It?” created a website that allows you to filter through a multitude of tried-and-tested sustainability campaigns from around the world. Each campaign contains step by step guides, offer guidance, tips from activists, and information. The idea for “What Can I Do About It” originated at the university of Sheffield, UK and is currently expanding across borders.
We want to see campaigns shared and support given, to enable a stronger, coordinated, supported and more global activist network!
Maastricht for Climate
Maastricht for Climate is a primarily student-led organization acting as a local branch of the global climate movement. Founded in 2019, Maastricht for Climate now has around 40 members. We undertake different types of projects that involve protests and actions but also research, policy writing, pressuring the university and general raising awareness projects. We strive for climate justice – the development and implementation of a new global system in which humanity exists within planetary boundaries.
We demand social justice and a transition to protect our future and the lives of those who are already suffering.
Turn our youth vision for a sustainable future into a reality together
Greener Academia
Greener Academia is a group of PhD students and young scientists that call for more sustainability and diversity in science. We address a petition to scientific organizations and demand an equivalent virtual participation option for scientific conferences. Apart from our petition we engage with other scientists and environmental groups that have similar objectives.
Plogging Nigeria
Promoting a culture of responsible waste handling and physical fitness.
Representing the future.
Your organization?
We invite all (inter)national youth and student organizations and networks who focus on sustainability in education and student empowerment to join SOS as a member.
Interested in becoming an SOS member?Learn more on the membership page |